Galatians 1:6-9, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
I don't like quoting Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) anymore either, since I learned the depth of his corruption. From reading his book, "All Of Grace," Spurgeon seemed to understand that salvation was by God's grace alone without works, but at the same time he foolishly taught that if someone is truly saved there will be works, which is the error of Lordship Salvation. I sincerely think Spurgeon was confused in his theology.
From reading his sermons, I noticed that Spurgeon was being subject to ecclesiastical pressure from other preachers, which I humbly think he succumbed to and became perverse in his teachings. A preacher's greatest external enemy is other preachers! Preachers tend to give considerable weight to the opinions of other preachers, which can be dangerous if we fail to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES as our only source of divine truth (John 5:39; Acts 17:10-11).
On pages 66 and 67 of his book, "All Of Grace," Spurgeon foolishly writes:
“That mercy which could forgive the sin and yet let the sinner live in it would be scant and superficial mercy.” —Charles Spurgeon, 'All Of Grace,' p. 66
“But if we could be forgiven, and then could be permitted to love sin, to riot in iniquity, and to wallow in lust, what would be the use of such a forgiveness?” —Charles Spurgeon, 'All Of Grace,' p. 67
“But, so long as God lives, there can be no promise of mercy to those who continue in their evil ways, and refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing. Surely no rebel can expect the King to pardon his treason while he remains in open revolt. No one can be so foolish as to imagine that the Judge of all the earth will put away our sins if we refuse to put them away ourselves.” —Charles Spurgeon, 'All Of Grace,' p. 66
Spurgeon totally ignores the fact that eternal life is the FREE GIFT of God. To truly remain a gift, there can be no required exchange or trade of sorts to obtain it.
These are heretical ridiculous statements by Pastor Spurgeon, because we all continue living in sin after getting born again. The concept that a king will not pardon a man who remains in open revolt is a very bad analogy for salvation, because eternal life is a “free gift” from God (Romans 5:15-18). Eternal life is free to every human being who wants it, simply because Jesus paid for our sins with His precious literal liquid blood (1st Peter 1:18-19). All that God requires to receive His free gift of eternal life, is for you to simply BELIEVE that Jesus did it all for you through Calvary's cross. Simply by childlike faith (reliance), receive Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins—believing that He died on the cross, was buried, but then physically resurrected three days later. This is “the Gospel” (the GOOD NEWS) according to 1st Corinthians 15:1-6.
Like so many false prophets today, such as Pensacola Christian College and Bob Jones University who preach the same garbage, Charles Spurgeon misunderstood the biblical true meaning of repentance. True Bible repentance means a change of mind, not a change of behavior, attitude or priorities. Bible repentance is a change of mind about the only sin which can hinder a man from entering into Heaven, “unbelief.” You must change your mind from unbelief to BELIEVE the Gospel (the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and risen the third day) to be born again. Nothing more is required nor permitted to be saved.
Pastor John MacArthur is a modern-day Charles Spurgeon, a FALSE PROPHET, poisoning the minds of millions of religious lost sinners with his toxic Lordship Salvation message that cannot produce the new birth. ETERNAL LIFE IS THE FREE GIFT OF GOD!!! You don't have to forsake a lifestyle of sinning to obtain it. The truth is that NO ONE has ever stopped living a life of sin. We will all continue sinning until the day we leave this cursed fleshly body (Romans 7:14-25). Thankfully, God's saving grace always abounds greater than our sins, so that we always have assurance of salvation, which is eternal life (Romans 5:20; 6:20). Eternal Life and Eternal Security are not two separate Bible teachings, they are one and the same doctrine.
I cannot warn you enough dear reader to avoid Charles Spurgeon. He died at only age 57, which is my present age. Since Spurgeon was a gifted writer and orator, his eloquent style of expressing his views gave him incredible power of influence, even until this very day in 2025, which is unfortunate considering his heretical Calvinist views.
I am so thankful for free grace preachers; namely, Curtis Hutson, Harry Ironside, Jack Hyles, Max Younce, Ralph Yankee Arnold, Hank Lindstrom, Ray Stanford and others...
“The wickedness of a life has not one thing in this world to do with where you go when you die; not one thing!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Religion Or Christ?”
“Religion and Christ are in opposition to each other!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Religion Or Christ?”
Charles Spurgeon was corrupt and bad news! I understand that his sermons provide amazing intriguing quotes to share on social media, but in so doing you are causing people to think that you bid Spurgeon Godspeed. I am guilty in the past of doing it myself, but I made a decision a few years ago not to share quotes by hellbound false prophets anymore. I won't share any quotes from Charles Spurgeon ever again, since he was WRONG on God's simple plan of salvation, which is without works.
Turning from one's sins is a work. Jonah 3:10 says that God saw their “works” in Nineveh, that they turned from their evil way. Jonah 3:10, “And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.” Romans 3:20 warns that NO ONE has ever been saved by works! Romans 4:4 teaches that if people in the Old Testament had been saved by their works, then salvation would have been by debt instead of by God's grace. Salvation has always been by God's unmerited grace! Sadly, Charles Spurgeon was a fool who is likely burning in Hell today, unless he repented of his false repentance. Religion is a highway to Hell.
I found this meme on Facebook today, shared by professed Christians, and I felt compelled to warn others about Mr. Spurgeon. This is a truthful great quote, but it was made by a man who is very wrong on God's simple plan of salvation. If a man is wrong on repentance and the Gospel, we cannot trust anything that he teaches. Jesus warned everyone in Matthew 7:15, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”