Friday, December 24, 2021

Beware Of Dangerous Corrupt Pastors Like Marty Herron

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

I cannot warn you enough dear reader about many of today's dangerous pastors. When I attended the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, I was horrified in 2014 when I heard their senior pastor, Marty Herron, tell a few hundred people in his Sunday morning service: “It is not enough to admit that you are a sinner, you must turn away from a lifestyle of sin to go to Heaven.” I knew right there and then that Marty Herron is a child of the Devil. I went home and literally cried because of the damnable false gospel that I had just heard at Harvest.

Folks, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than just Marty Herron. This is the new damnable heresy which Bob Jones University (BJU) has taught ever since John MacArthur attended BJU, and then became famous years later. BJU sinfully idolizes Mr. MacArthur today as one of their alumni, praising and bidding him Godspeed! BJU speaks with a forked tongue! In case you didn't know, Steve Pettit and John MacArthur are two infidels, who both preach another gospel of partial faith in Christ plus a bunch of other garbage not found in the Bible. I say that kindly with God's unconditional love for all mankind, but I also say these things with strong boldness on the authority of the Holy Scriptures!

The Gospel of John is God's Gospel tract according to John 20:31, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.My friend, you won't find the word "repent" mentioned anywhere in the Gospel of John. In fact, you won't find the phrases "repent of your sin" or "turn away from your sin" anywhere in the entire Bible! To be saved God simply commands us to “believe.” Do you mean to tell me that I can come to Christ and believe on Him to be saved, but then go out and live like the Devil and still be saved? Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you. Get mad at God, because He said it, not me! Romans 5:20, "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:"

Dear reader, these Bible passages prove that Marty Herron, Steve Pettit and John MacArthur are all two-faced LIARS!!! The following Bible verses speak so clearly in Romans 6:14-15, “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.” Do you understand that? The unsaved person is still under the curse of God's LAW; but the redeemed child of God is no longer under the law, but forever under God's saving GRACE. Shall we wilfully sin then, because we are no longer under the law? God forbid the apostle says. Of course God doesn't want or give permission to any of His children to continue in a lifestyle of willful sin, but friend, if you do choose to live like the Devil you can never lose God's gift of forgiveness of sins and eternal life, which is through faith alone.

If you understand the beautiful Bible truth that I just shared with you, then it will become obvious to you friend, what is so wrong with Pastor Marty Herron's bullcrap theology, which teaches that you MUST forsake a lifestyle of sinning to get to Heaven. Literally, Marty Herron and company are requiring people to KEEP THE LAW to be saved!!! That is what it means to “keep the law,” you are obligated to try to obey and fulfill it. What are these laws? ..."Thou shalt not kill" is one... "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is another... "Thou shalt not steal" is one... "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain," and so forth.

There is no question that these blinded religious leaders are sincere in their false teachings. Romans 3:19-20, “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” I marvel at the utter ignorance of these pastors and evangelists. God divided His Word into two parts: OLD and NEW Testaments; or, respectively, LAW and CHRIST.

Galatians 3:24-26 teaches that God's LAW shows us our sinnership, and then brings us to CHRIST to be saved from our sins by grace through faith). As we just read in Romans 3:20b, “for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” That is so simple and clear to understand. The purpose of the law in salvation is simply to show humanity our desperate need for the dear Messiah (the Savior). God never intended for men to keep the law (i.e., to turn away from their sins) to be saved. The very idea is Satanic! Jesus came to save us from our sins (Matthew 1:21), not to save us only if we are first willing to stop committing them! God forbid.

What heretics' Marty Herron, Steve Pettit and John MacArthur are actually teaching, is that God won't save you unless you promise to keep the law; or as Jack Chick errantly teaches, you must first "be willing" to keep the law to be saved. These men all have a flawed understanding of what it means to "repent" in the Bible regarding salvation. When they say "repent," they mean something VERY different than what the Bible means! They mean to "turn away from your sinful bad habits" to get saved. That is the heathen Roman Catholic and Catholic influenced English dictionary's meaning.

In sharp contrast, in the Bible the word "repent" (Greek noun: metanoia) simply means, "a change of mind." God wants everyone to change their mind (repent) so that they will BELIEVE the Good News (Gospel) of Christ crucified, buried and risen to be saved (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Most of the churches are corrupted today. Today's wimpy and corrupt pastors are pathetic. Because the Bible colleges have become corrupt, all of the graduates which they produce are also corrupt doctrinally, not workmen approved by God (2nd Timothy 2:15). These incompetent preachers mishandle the Word of Truth, wrongly interpreting the Scriptures to their own destruction, and those who follow their damnable lies (2nd Peter 3:16-17).

What do you need to change your mind about to get saved? That's easy—whatever is keeping you from believing to be saved. You see, you don't get saved by changing your mind (repenting), you get saved by putting your childlike faith in the blessed Savior, because of what He did on the cross to pay for your sins and mine. Why did He do it? Because we are guilty sinners, which penalty is eternal damnation in Hell fire. Jesus paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. JESUS PAID IT ALL!!! Simply receive His free gift, by taking God at His Word as recorded in the Holy Bible.

There are many false prophets gone out into the world the Bible says. 1st John 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” We "try" (test) the spirits by SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES (John 5:39) to verify everything we hear and see taught and preached. Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith. Turning away from sinful ways would be a work. Faith puts all of the merit where it belongs, on the object of our faith, Jesus and His work.

If to “repent” means to forsake our sinful ways TO BE SAVED, but Jesus already paid for our sins by dying on the cross, then what are we repenting from? The true Gospel always points you to CHRIST; a false gospel always points to YOU. Dear reader, this is a dark hour in history, when false prophets like cockroaches have crawled out from beneath every social media device. The internet is full of fools! I see Renee Roland on her YouTube channel denying that eternal damnation in Hell is real. Kindly said, Renee is wrong.

I see Pastor John Piper preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism). Piper is wrong. I see older sermons by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (1921-2016) preaching that people were saved by works in the Old Testament. Ruckman is a fool. Acts 10:43 teaches that salvation has always been through faith alone in Christ. I challenge you friend to “SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES” (John 5:39a). Please make sure you only use the inspired King James Bible, lest you be deceived by Satan. My heart breaks to see the blinded fools at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, following their corrupt pastor, Gary Walton (another Bob Jones University promoting false prophet). SHAME on Pastor Gary Walton and the Harvest Baptist Church (cult) on Guam!!! Any so-called "church" that preaches another gospel is a cult. "Lordship" salvation is not the gospel, not even close!!! Salvation is not a reward for the righteous; it is a gift for the guilty!

BJU is of the Devil folks, investigate their cult for yourself!!! What Steve Pettit, Marty Herron and John MacArthur are all preaching is NOT taught in the inspired King James Bible, not even close. I care about you dear friend, which is why I take the time to write these blogs, for which I have never been compensated in any way. I do it for the same reason that David went out to fight the giant Goliath, because THERE IS A CAUSE. 1st Samuel 17:29, “And David said, What have I now done?  Is there not a cause?I preach the way I do because THERE IS A CAUSE! The Gospel must be defended and proclaimed. Philippians 1:17, “But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.

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