Saturday, August 12, 2023

New IFB Pastors Have The Sinner's Prayer Wrong!

Acts 16:30-31, “And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

Amen! I really appreciate Norm Diamante's contending for the Christian faith. The New IFB (New Independent Fundamental Baptist) have it WRONG! Pastors' Bruce Mejia, Steven Anderson, Joe Major, Roger Jimenez, Jonathan Shelley and others in the New IFB are falsely preaching (and bullying Norm Diamante, myself and others who disagree with them) that you cannot be saved by just BELIEVING. In addition, these misled preachers all adamantly insist that you must pray, ask and call upon the name of Jesus to be saved. The inspired King James Bible does not agree with them.

Unfortunately, these pastors are guilty of ignoring clear passages of Scripture, while only focusing on obscure passages in the Bible, to justify their heresy. I learned that truth from Dr. Curtis Hutson (1934-1995). Here is an exact quote from Brother Hutson, "A good rule to follow when interpreting the Bible is to never use an obscure passage to contradict a clear one."

Throughout the Gospel of John we find the word "believe" mentioned 85 times, without any mention of praying, serving, repenting, calling, confessing, forsaking, following, baptizing or surrendering to Christ to be saved. The people asked Jesus in John 6:28b-29, "What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." The dear Savior's plain answer was to BELIEVE ON HIM. This is the only WORK that a lost sinner can do to be saved, to place one's childlike faith in Christ. Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do.

New IFB pastors have made John 4:10 their GO-TO Bible verse to bolster up their strawman heresy. John 4;10, "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." So here we see that Jesus told the curious Samaritan woman that if she truly recognized Him, she would "ASK" Him for the living water.

It is important to point out that nowhere in the following passage does it ever mention any of the Samaritans "ASKING" Jesus to be saved. They simply BELIEVED and were saved. ... 
John 4;39-42, "And many of the Samaritans of that city BELIEVED ON HIM for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did. So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that he would tarry with them: and he abode there two days. And many more BELIEVED because of his own word; And said unto the woman, Now WE BELIEVE, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world." [emphasis added]
No one called, prayed or asked to be saved, they simply BELIEVED ON HIM. I think it is clear to see that New IFB pastors are preaching nonsense to say that you cannot be saved without praying, asking or calling. It is certainly not wrong to call, ask or pray (but I don't do it because it can confuse people), just so long as it is explained to them that FAITH SAVES, not praying. It is a natural thing for a person at the time of salvation to feel the urge to ask Christ to save them, but it is not necessary.

Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) preaches the truth that you don't have to pray to be saved... 

You Don't Have To Pray To Be Saved
(Dr. Jack Hyles)

When the Philippian jailer in Rome asked Paul and Silas how to be saved, they simply replied: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 16:30-31). Carefully notice that Paul and Silas didn't require the man to call, confess or pray. They didn't require the jailer to follow Christ as the "Lord" of his life, or to turn from his sinful ways to perpetually live a lifestyle of repentance, nor anything else. These are the heresies being preached today by Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Sam Adams, John Piper, Steve Pettit, Marty Herron, Gary Walton, Sam Horn, Joel Osteen and other false prophets. Eternal life is received through faith alone without works.

It is okay to pray when you receive Christ, but you don't get saved by saying a praying. FAITH SAVES!!! The Bible says you call upon the Lord because you have already BELIEVED (Romans 10:15). Anybody who says that you cannot be saved unless you pray is a liar!

Is Asking Jesus To Save You A 'Work'?

No, I humbly do not think asking Jesus to save one's self is a work. Many lost sinners ask Jesus to save them. Jesus invited the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well to "ask" Him for the living water in John 4:10. The repentant thief on the cross asked Jesus to save him. So, asking Jesus to forgive your sins and save you is not a work. However, it is totally unnecessary to ask, call or pray to be saved, because God has already plainly promised “TO SAVE THEM THAT BELIEVE” (1st Corinthians 1:21b).

Every preacher I had heard as a teenager, and every religious tract that I had read, directed me to pray a prayer to be saved. Although I knew that I was saved by faith and not prayer, I was confused for several years, thinking that the way you put your faith in Christ is to pray and ask Him to save you. So, I kept doubting my salvation, wondering if I missed something. I couldn't remember years later what I had prayed, so I wondered if I had left an important element out of my prayer. I couldn't find peace in the matter.

At age 17 I finally went to my pastor, in tears, asking him to help me settle the matter. He assumed that since I didn't know I was saved, I must not be. He then did the absolute worst thing he could have done, he led me in another Sinner's Prayer. I had already prayed hundreds of times since age 13 for God to save me, because I was scared to tears of going to Hell. I was simply uneducated in the Word of God, and preachers had been lying to me all along, by insisting that the way to be saved is to pray. Kindly said, these New IFB pastors are doing incalculable damage today by teaching that you cannot be saved without praying a prayer. THEY ARE LIARS EVERY ONE!!!

I learned decades later that I was innocently lied to by preachers. I learned that I could be saved from my pew, by simply BELIEVING on the name of Jesus, without praying at all. Pastor Max D. Younce taught me these excellent truths in his free helpful book titled: "SALVATION AND THE PUBLIC INVITATION" (BACKUP).

Most preachers horribly require unsaved people to walk down a church aisle to learn how to be saved. That is WRONG to do! God doesn't require a person to walk down an aisle to be saved, so why should we? Heaven only knows how many millions of lost sinners never got saved, because they weren't willing to walk down a church aisle to find out how to be saved. They might have been shy, or perhaps didn't feel well physically that day, felt embarrassed, or they were nervous, et cetera. Why cannot a preacher tell people how to be saved right in their pew? Why do they need to walk down an aisle? For this reason I am against pastors requiring lost sinners to walk an aisle to learn how to be saved. Every preacher should allow people the opportunity to be saved right from their pew.

Likewise, Jesus doesn't forgive sin. He has already PAID for everyone's sins with His precious blood. I learned that wonderful truth from Dr. Bob Gray Sr., and he is correct biblically. You don't have to "ask" Jesus to forgive your sins, because He has already paid for them. All you need to do to be saved is to accept God's free gift. Simply BELIEVE that Jesus Christ did it all for you. Simply receive Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as payment for your sins, believing that He was buried and then bodily resurrected three days later.

God needed to make His plan of salvation very simple, because there are many uneducated, ignorant, mentally challenged and educible slow people in the world. Even a small child can understand the Gospel enough to be saved, because God's plan of salvation is so simple. 2nd Corinthians 11:3-4 calls the Gospel "the simplicity that is in Christ." Sadly, men complicate everything.

I am 100% against New IFB pastors who are falsely teaching that a person cannot be saved unless they pray. If they want to lead lost sinners in a prayer to be saved, I am okay with that as long as it is explained that FAITH SAVES, and not praying. 
Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) also refutes the heresy that you must pray to be saved...
“'Pray to be saved. Ask the Lord to save you.' This is what I heard a minister say to a convicted sinner who came forward for prayer at the close of an evangelistic service. Nowhere in the Bible are men told to pray to be saved. There are examples where men did pray and were saved. Men are told to repent, to believe, to obey the Gospel, but the Bible never says to pray for salvation. It does say that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, but nowhere does the Bible command men to pray to be saved. I think I know why, God, who made the human heart, knew that it was not necessary to tell convicted sinners to pray. If a sinner can see Jesus Christ on the cross, it is as natural for him to pray as it is for birds to sing or flowers to bloom. 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.'” —Dr. Bob Jones Sr., “Comments On Here And Hereafter,” chapter: Prayer And Praise, page 163; Bob Jones University Press, Inc., © 1942
The New IFB pastors have it WRONG!!! If the New IFB choose to lead lost people in a Sinner's Prayer, that is fine; but they are WRONG to criticize Norm Diamante, Dr. Max Younce, Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold, Dr. Hank Lindstrom, Pastor Harry Ironside, Dr. Bob Jones Sr., Dr. Jack Hyles and myself for choosing not to lead lost people to pray to be saved.

Requiring lost people to pray and “ask” Jesus to be saved can lead to confusion afterwards, as it unfortunately did for me for several years. Regardless of your opinion, the Bible way to be saved is to BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Acts 20:30-31). If it were necessary to pray and ask Jesus to save you, then Paul and Silas would have told the Philippian jailer so, but they didn't.

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